fashion revolution

Fashion Revolution 2017

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24 April 2017 – once again, we will be staging an event to mark the anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster, the collapse of a clothing factory in Bangladesh which killed 1,130 workers four years ago. The factory was known to be unsafe and still the garment makers were herded in, some never to reemerge. At Designer Jumble, it is my mission to help promote sustainable fashion – fashion that does not harm the planet, and that aims to look after the people who work in the industry. Having recently moved my family out of London to the countryside, and my stock along with us, I will be inviting my new neighbours to my new showroom in the village of Thakeham this year, to introduce them to the concept of Fashion Revolution Day. If you are likely to be in the area (south of Horsham, west of Lewes, north of Worthing, northwest of Brighton), drop me an email at to let me know you would like to come along. We are in the second barn, as seen in the middle of the photo below.